Wyeast 4134 Sake Yeast


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See "Product Overview" below for cold pack shipping options.
Local Pickup:
For local pickup, liquid yeast is stored cold until you arrive.
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Product Overview

Wyeast 4134 Sake Yeast

Saké #9 used in conjunction with Koji for making wide variety of Asian Jius (rice based beverages). Full bodied profile, silky and smooth on palate with low ester production.

Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae


  • Flocculation:  Low
  • Apparent ABV Tolerance:  14%
  • Temperature Range:  60-75°F (16-24°C)

Shipping:  We strongly recommend adding a cold pack when ordering liquid yeast.  Transit times can vary and liquid yeast works best when it remains cold until the day you brew.  Our shipping cold pack options include:


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