Independence Day Hours: We Will Be Closed On Thursday July 4th

Easy Conversion Chart - Convert Grain to LME & DME

Easily convert grain to Dry Malt Extract (DME) or Liquid Malt Extract (LME) using our Easy Conversion Chart. When converting base grain to liquid malt extract, you will need 0.75 LB of liquid malt extract or 0.6 LB of dry malt extract for every pound of base grain.  For example, when creating partial mash recipe kits, we commonly substitute 6 LB of Pilsen Light LME for 8 LB of base grain (i.e. Pilsen or 2 Row Malt).

Grain (LB) Liquid
Extract (LB)
Extract (LB)
0.5  0.375  0.3 
0.75  0.6 
1.5  1.125  0.9 
1.5  1.2 
2.5  1.875  1.5 
2.25  1.8 
3.5  2.625  2.1 
4.5  3.375  2.7 
5.5  4.125  3.3 
4.5  3.6 
6.5  4.875 3.9 
5.25  4.2 
7.5  5.625  4.5 
8.5  6.375  5.1 
6.75  5.4 
9.5  7.125  5.7 
10  7.5 
10.5  7.875  6.3 
11  8.25  6.6 
11.5  8.625  6.9 
12  7.2 
12.5  9.375  7.5 
13  9.75  7.8 
13.5  10.125  8.1 
14  10.5  8.4 
14.5  10.875  8.7 
15  11.25   9 
15.5  11.625  9.3 
16  12  9.6 
16.5  12.375  9.9 
17  12.75  10.2 
17.5  13.125  10.5 
18  13.5  10.8 
18.5  13.875  11.1 
19  14.25  11.4 
19.5  14.625  11.7 
20  15  12