American Homebrewers Association (AHA) Membership (1 year)

American Homebrewers Association

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Product Overview

American Homebrewers Association (AHA) Membership (1 year)

Over 1.1 million people brew their own beer at home in the United States. The American Homebrewers Association® (AHA) is a 501(c)6 not-for-profit organization based in Boulder, Colo., dedicated to promoting the community of homebrewers and empowering homebrewers to make the best beer in the world. Since 1978, the AHA has worked to educate people worldwide about the coolest hobby there is—homebrewing.

Click Here to join the American Homebrewers Association!

Quick Facts

The American Homebrewers Association:

  • Was founded in 1978 by homebrew author and past Brewers Association President Charlie Papazian in Boulder, Colorado.
  • Has over 46,000 members.
  • Advocates for homebrewers’ rights in the United States.
  • Hosts the world’s largest beer competition.
  • Publishes Zymurgy® magazine.
  • Is governed by a committee of homebrewers elected by its members.
  • Hosts multiple events promoting homebrewing, cider and mead making.
  • Is a division of the Brewers Association, a not-for-profit trade association dedicated to promoting and protecting amateur and professional craft brewers.

In-Store Purchase:  If you purchase a AHA gift card in our store, you can use the code on the card at to redeem for a 1 year membership.


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