Acidulated Malt - Per Pound


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Product Overview

Acidulated Malt - Per Pound

Acidulated Malt (AKA Acid Malt) is malt that has been sprayed with lactic acid which may be used to lower mash pH. Will provides a rounder, fuller character to beer, enhancing the flavor of Pilsners and other light lagers. Lowering the pH also helps prevent beer spoilage through oxidation.

Typrical Color:  1.4 – 5.0 Lovibond

Malting Company:  We use several different malting companies to provide our acidulated malt including IREKS, Weyermann, and Best Maltz.  You can call us or email us at if you want to know the specific maltster we are currently using.

Fractions of a pound:  grain purchased by the ounce is available by phone order or in-store purchase only.


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  • 5
    Best Acidulated

    Posted by Ric on 14th Oct 2023

    Great quality.